Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, Day #16

Its amazing how it still feels exciting when Friday rolls around even if you are stuck in a hospital room! I just love Fridays regardless of the circumstances!

I had lunch today with Keith and my mom today and it was nice to sit around and chat with them.

Pete, his mom, and the girls are coming later for a visit and I can't wait to see them! I am really, really missing them today and can't wait to give them hugs and kisses!

As far as Jake goes, things have been pretty steady. I had a few more consistent contractions which just kept me on the monitor for a little bit longer but they slowed down. On top of everything, they have diagnosed me with a UTI - no big deal just another pill that I have to take 4 times a day.

When I have nothing but time to think, my mind starts to race. I start to wonder if lower back pain has something to do with the kidneys which is now being displayed in a UTI... again, I know its probably crazy and I really don't know much about adult medicine. I went over this crazy theory/curiousity with my nurse and she made me feel better. I love my nurse!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Only 1-2 more weeks to go!

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