Tuesday, August 6, 2013

May 2013

May 2013

Pete and I continued to try and juggle our busy lives.  Disclaimer:  I realize life is only going to get busier as kids grow up and school and activities start for all three of them but for now, life feels busier than it has ever been.  But, this is not be taken as complaining - we are busy juggling the many blessings!

Pete continued to coach soccer and work full time and I was continuing to try and work both jobs.  Our house started to fall apart. Enter Miss Pat.  Miss Pat is an angel on earth.  She comes to our house and cleans and she is fabulous.

The girls continued to do gymnastics and ballet and Jake was busy getting into things! :)

If I were more on top of things, I would be able to let you know the specifics of what each child was doing/saying/learning/etc this specific month, but I cannot remember!

Jake is famous for the "Pucker Up" face.  When you ask for a kiss...this is what you get!  
I hope it never leaves!

In the beginning of May, I went to Arizona to visit my uncle and cousin and my mom and sister went as well.  We had a great time, enjoyed the sun and played cards.

We worked on Claire riding her bike this month.  She still needs training wheels and has a hard time concentrating well enough to remember how to break and to stay on the side of the road but she is getting better!

I found the girls sleeping like this one night - exactly the same!

Our little man, Jake turned 2 this month.  He loves to watch birds.  His teacher tells me that he is obsessed with just standing at the window and watching birds!  This tugs at my heart strings a little bit because my dad said that his favorite past time was bird watching.  I love little reminders of my dad.  Anyways, so since Jake likes birds so much - we went to feed some ducks on his birthday and then played in the park.

Claire and Grace "graduated" at school.  Claire from Pre-K to kindergarten and Grace from 3&4 year old class to Pre-K.  They sang songs and let us know what they learned this year.  As you may have guessed, Claire was the leader and participated with all her heart.  Grace on the other hand, stood with the rest of her class with a very worried look on her face and didn't say a word.  LOVE their personalities!

We went to the Miller's tree farm towards the end of May.  Pete had to coach so I took the kids and we played outside, went on a hayride for ice cream and played in Grammy and Opa's camper.

Pete took a vacation day and we tackled our yard.  When we first moved in two years ago - weeds on steroids had taken over our yard.  We have worked for a couple summers now and are finally almost 100% happy with how the yard works.  7 yards of mulch later and lots of hard work and flower planting, this is what our yard final product looks like...

Grace is hamming it up before her big performance!

We celebrated Jake's birthday towards the end of May.  We got him this little riding car and he loves it!  He loves balls.  Soccer balls, baseballs, basketballs, footballs - he loves all of them!  So we pretty much just threw ball decorations around and he was in ball heaven! :)

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