Sunday, January 5, 2014

November 2013

On November 6th, I had gastric sleeve surgery.  The surgery basically entails removing 75% of your stomach.  This made my November focus on walking every day, eating extremely slow portions at an extremely slow rate.  I had a couple of weeks off of work, but life just kept on moving and I had to fight some fatigue and pain.

Our little Grace turned 4 on November 10th and we had a party for her at our house.  She had such a great time with friends and family and opened some new favorite dolls!  I can't believe our beautiful Grace is already 4 years old!

Grace was VIP at school during a week in November.  Some of the perks include a bulletin board that talks about your favorite things, being the line leader, show and tell and bringing in your favorite book for story time.  

Claire continues to love school.  A note got sent home from the school nurse that said she didn't do so great on her eye exam and that we should go see an optometrist so that was on the list for December.  

We had our 3rd Annual "Friendsgiving" this year and it was a lot of fun.  We had a smaller crowd than years past, but we had a great time hanging out and getting excited for the upcoming holidays together.

With tradition, we decorated for Christmas the Friday before Thanksgiving.  I know it is early, but its a tradition we have started and I love it!  Unfortunately, it also means that by December 26th, I am ready for the Christmas stuff to be put away!

Here are some pictures from our month of November...

The following are pictures from Grace's birthday party: 

  Sophia the 1st cake!

Great Grandpa came and made Grace a Barbie bench and picnic table

Here I am 6 days out from surgery and (with the help of Miss Jessica) taking Grace to gymnastics

For Grace's birthday, Aunt Beth bought her a gymnastics class.  She was nervous during the class warm-up and dancing, but had a great time when they broke off into individual exercises.

Grace and Jake waiting for Claire to come off the bus

I can't say enough about Pete.  During November, I was absolutely worthless.  I didn't feel good.  I wasn't allowed to clean.  I couldn't do laundry.  Bending over to shower the kids hurt my stomach and back.  Pete picked up for my shortcomings TEN FOLD.  I am so lucky to have him as my better half!

The kids wanted to join me on one of my evening walks

This is an example of the portion difference.  Regular meal size tupperware on the left and then my 2oz tupperware containers on the right

Below are pictures from our family decorating for Christmas:

This year, it was Grace's turn to put the star on the tree and with a little help from dad, she did great!

Jake kept wanted to hang his ornaments on the very edge of each limb.  The ornaments would then promptly fall on the floor.  Pete or I would go back around and just re-hang them  :)

This is one of my favorite pictures of all three kids decorating the tree.

A nice Sunday brunch at Panera with these three cuties!

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