Thursday, May 26, 2011

Update on our little man...

I know it has been a little while since we updated so here is the latest with Jake. They took him off CPAP yesterday around 1:30 pm and put him on a nasal cannula (which is what is in his nose). It is providing a smaller flow of air and still giving him the supplemental oxygen he needs. Yesterday when he first was put on the nasal cannula he was requiring almost 50% oxygen. They were one step away from putting the CPAP back on but our little man fought. Now he is still on the nasal cannula and only requiring 30% oxygen. We are proud of him! He is getting feedings through the tube in his mouth every 3 hours. He is tolerating those well. He is a little bit of a fuss bucket but I am sure all the beeping, wires, and touching are scary for a newborn. Here are some pictures...

I am having some mixed emotions about going home. I am very, very excited to be back in our home with our little has been a little over 4 weeks since I have been there! Of course there is a great amount of sadness to leave Jake here. I know he is in good hands though. This has been a very emotional journey and I have to remember to focus on the positive. Feeling very blessed and thankful to have my wonderful husband, adorable little girls and our fighting little boy!

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