Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Claire tickling Grace

Here is a video of Claire tickling Grace. She starts by saying "Cheese" into the camera because she thinks I am about to take a picture :)

Grace's Baptism

On Saturday, January 23rd, Grace was baptized. We are blessed to have our good friends, Jackie and Josh White as her Godparents. We are so thankful to be surrounded by family and friends for this wonderful occasion. Here are some pictures from Saturday...

Smiling for the camera

Family photo

She was awake and didn't cry at all!

The Vandervaart/Kooyers Family

Jackie made this lovely lamb cake for Grace

Pete, Grace, and I with Jackie and Josh (Grace's Godparents)

The Carroll Family

Four Generations

Both sets of Grandparents

Grandma and Great-Grandma admiring Grace

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Santa Came!

Claire got really excited when you would ask her who came. Its hard to make out but when Pete asked her "Who Came?" this is her screaming "Santa Came!" over and over again!

Hey Claire, Guess what?

Claire started this new thing where when you asked her "Guess what?" she would get really excited and then giggle when you told her Santa was coming/came.

Jackson and Claire - little lovebirds

While at Christmas at the Zoo, Jackson and Claire walked while holding hands. It was so cute!

Claire fake sneezing

Claire got a hold of some kleenex in Michigan and had a good time fake sneezing and saying "achoo" over and over again. Aunt Kristen and Aunt Kathy helped her in her acting debut! :)

Claire Rockin' Out

Here is a video of Claire while Pete is playing Guitar Hero with our other guitar. She seemed to enjoy playing with the guitar... we thought it was hilarious!

Claire & Grace... Strikingly similar!

We have had a lot of people asking about Claire and Grace and whether they look alike. As a baby it was easy to look at Claire and see Pete and it is easy to look at Grace and see Laura so we didn't think they would look alike as babies. Then we put similar pictures side by side and can definately see the connection. It is surprising to us to see how similar they look to each other as well.

Claire ~ 1 week old

Grace ~ 6 weeks old

Claire ~ 2 weeks old

Grace ~ 3 weeks old

New Year's Eve

For New Year's Eve we had a few people over and hosted a kid-friendly party. It was a lot of fun and a wonderful blessing to be able to ring in the new year with such great friends.

From Left: Beth Carroll, Jackie White, Laura Vandervaart, Kit Mast, Casey Mast, Josh White, and Pete Vandervaart

Ringing in the New Year

Beth and Grace

Rhett (Casey & Kit's boy) being a lady's man with Grace on the left and Charlotte (Jackie and Josh's daguther) on the right

All of the kids in Christmas pajamas before bed

We thought it would be fun for the kids to do a build-your-own sundae

They seemed to have a great time and Claire really loved the sprinkles

A little mess never hurt anyone

Claire and Jackson starting to decorate their ice cream

Claire and Jackson having a tea party

Claire Goes Bowling

We had a wonderful visit from Matt and Erin Miller before Christmas and decided to take Claire bowling to see how she would do. Her attention span was good for the first couple of frames, but she didn't quite understand the concept of waiting for her turn (surprising for a 2 year old, right?). Erin and I reaped the benefits and just kept the bumpers out... "for Claire's sake" of course! Here are some pictures from that day...

Claire anxiously watching the ball to see what happens next

Pete trying to teach her how to run and throw the ball

Intently watching as her ball rolls down the lane

And then we realized there was this lovely invention for little kids and bowling - they just have to push the ball and it rolls down this ramp... GENIUS!

Claire really caught on to how this little thing worked - it was fun!

Christmas Morning

Pete and I decided that our favorite part of Christmas was preparing for Christmas morning. We were so excited for Claire to see what Santa brought for her. We can't wait until next year when she will understand even more. Here are some pictures from our Christmas morning.
Santa brought Claire this car - she loves it

Here she is saying "Vroom, vroom"

She enjoys her learning game

Grace isn't quite sure what to think of Christmas morning

Grandma and Grandpa C. came over and brought her this keyboard/piano - it is definately one of her favorite new toys

Perhaps a young Mozart at work? :)

This face was priceless - she was SO excited to open her new doll but then got quickly scared when it started to cry and say "Mama"

She did an excellent job unwrapping the gifts

Claire displaying this octopus Santa brought for Grace

Claire also showed Grace how her new rain rattle worked

Christmas with the Carrolls

We celebrated Christmas with the Carroll side on December 29th. We started off the day going over to Grandma and Grandpa C.'s house and opening gifts and eating a nice brunch. While Claire napped, we played some Euchre and hung out. We then packed up and went over to the Wahman's house for a nice dinner and more Euchre. It was a wonderful celebration! Here are some pictures from our day...

It took a lot of work, but a very successful family photo!

Grace looking very paranoid :)

Grace and Aunt Beth catching some Zzz's

Claire and Uncle Keith reading a book

Pete, Keith, and Claire watching Nemo

Claire playing with some fun new crayons

She also got a basketball hoop which she loves

Claire opening up her stocking with Granmda C.

She loves her new laptop computer!

Christmas with the Vandervaarts

After spending Christmas morning at our apartment, we loaded up and headed to Holland, Michigan to celebrate with Pete's family. We had a great time playing games, eating, and spending quality time with each other. It was so great to see the extended Kooyers family. We went and visited Uncle Dave and Aunt Carol and really enjoyed seeing them. We were thankful for the generous hospitality shown by Pete's grandparents. Here are some pictures from our visit.

Pete and I taking a breather from the hectic life of having two little girls :)

Claire hugging a snowman

She loved playing out in the snow - it was a battle to get her inside

Claire loves her new magic tea set

Claire excitedly explaining that Santa came to see her

Claire opening her stocking
Pete and his mom making monkey bread

Claire helped with making the monkey bread

Grandpa and Grandma V. spending some snuggle time with Grace

Grace and her Daddy

Uncle Mike getting acquainted with Grace

We must have all been VERY good this year :)

Mommy and her little girl

Claire's favorite new book - WonderPets Seek and Find book!